Efficient separable filters for associative operations

Out-of-place version

The localfilter method may be called as:

dst = localfilter([T=eltype(A),] A, dims, op, rngs [, w])

to apply the van Herk-Gil-Werman algorithm to filter array A along dimension(s) dims with (associative) binary operation op and contiguous structuring element(s) defined by the interval(s) rngs. Optional argument T is the element type of the result dst (by default T = eltype(A)). Optional argument w is a workspace array which is automatically allocated if not provided; otherwise, it must be a vector with the same element type as A which is resized as needed (by calling the resize! method).

Argument dims specifies along which dimension(s) of A the filter is to be applied, it can be a single integer, several integers or a colon : to specify all dimensions. Dimensions are processed in the order given by dims (the same dimension may appear several times) and there must be a matching interval in rngs to specify the structuring element (except that if rngs is a single interval, it is used for every dimension in dims). An interval is either an integer or an integer valued unit range in the form kmin:kmax (an interval specified as a single integer, say k, is the same as specifying k:k).

Assuming a mono-dimensional array A, the single filtering pass:

localfilter!(dst, A, :, op, rng)

amounts to computing:

dst[j] = A[j-kmax] ⋄ A[j-kmax+1] ⋄ A[j-kmax+2] ⋄ ... ⋄ A[j-kmin]

for all j ∈ [first(axes(A,1)):last(axes(A,1))], with x ⋄ y = op(x, y), kmin = first(rng) and kmax = last(rng). Note that if kmin = kmax = k (which occurs if rng is a simple integer), the result of the filter is to operate a simple shift by k along the corresponding dimension and has no effects if k = 0. This can be exploited to not filter some dimension(s).

In-place version

The localfilter! method implement the in-place version of the van Herk-Gil-Werman algorithm:

localfilter!([dst = A,] A, dims, op, rngs [, w]) -> dst

overwrites the contents of dst with the result of the filter and returns dst. The destination array dst must have the same indices as the source A (that is, axes(dst) == axes(A)). If dst is not specified or if dst is A, the operation is performed in-place.


The in-place morphological erosion (local minimum) of the array A on a centered structuring element of width 7 in every dimension can be applied by:

localfilter!(A, :, min, -3:3)

Index interval 0 may be specified to do nothing along the corresponding dimension. For instance, assuming A is a three-dimensional array:

localfilter!(A, :, max, (-3:3, 0, -4:4))

overwrites A by its morphological dilation (i.e. local maximum) in a centered local neighborhood of size 7×1×9 (nothing is done along the second dimension). The same result may be obtained with:

localfilter!(A, (1,3), max, (-3:3, -4:4))

where the second dimension is omitted from the list of dimensions.

The local average of the two-dimensional array A on a centered moving window of size 11×11 can be computed as:

localfilter(A, :, +, (-5:5, -5:5))*(1/11)

Efficiency and restrictions

The van Herk-Gil-Werman algorithm is very fast for rectangular structuring elements. It takes at most 3 operations to filter an element along a given dimension whatever the width p of the considered local neighborhood. For N-dimensional arrays, the algorithm requires only 3N operations per element instead of p^N - 1 operations for a naive implementation. This however requires to make a pass along each dimension so memory page faults may reduce the performances. This is somewhat attenuated by the fact that the algorithm can be applied in-place. For efficient multi-dimensional out-of-place filtering, it is recommended to make the first pass with a fresh destination array and then all other passes in-place on the destination array.

To apply the van Herk-Gil-Werman algorithm, the structuring element must be separable along the dimensions and its components must be contiguous. In other words, the algorithm is only applicable for N-dimensional rectangular neighborhoods, so-called hyperrectangles. The structuring element may however be off-centered by arbitrary offsets along each dimension.

To take into account boundary conditions (for now, only nearest neighbor is implemented) and allow for in-place operation, the algorithm allocates a workspace array.


  • Marcel van Herk, "A fast algorithm for local minimum and maximum filters on rectangular and octagonal kernels" in Pattern Recognition Letters 13, 517-521 (1992).

  • Joseph Gil and Michael Werman, "Computing 2-D Min, Median, and Max Filters" in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 15, 504-507 (1993).