
The following summarizes the documentation of types and methods provided by the LocalFilters package. This information is also available from the REPL by typing ? followed by the name of a method or a type.


Linear filters

LocalFilters provides convolutive filters which are shift-invariant linear filters.

localmean(A, [ord=ForwardFilter,] B=3)

yields the local mean of A in a neighborhood defined by B. The result is an array similar to A. If B is not specified, the neighborhood is a hyper-rectangular sliding window of size 3 in every dimension. Otherwise, B may be specified as a Cartesian box, or as an array of booleans of same number of dimensions as A. If B is a single odd integer (as it is by default), the neighborhood is assumed to be a hyper-rectangular sliding window of size B in every dimension.

See also localmean! and localfilter!.

convolve(A, B=3)

yields the discrete convolution of array A by the kernel defined by B. The result dst is an array similar to A.

Using Sup(A) to denote the set of valid indices for array A and assuming B is an array of values, the discrete convolution of A by B writes:

T = promote_type(eltype(A), eltype(B))
for i ∈ Sup(A)
    v = zero(T)
    @inbounds for j ∈ Sup(B) ∩ (i - Sup(A))
        v += A[i-j]*B[j]
    dst[i] = v

with T the type of the product of elements of A and B, and where Sup(B) ∩ (i - Sup(A)) denotes the subset of indices k such that k ∈ Sup(B) and i - k ∈ Sup(A) and thus for which B[k] and A[i-k] are valid.

See also convolve! and localfilter!.


Mathematical morphology

erode(A, [ord=ForwardFilter,] B=3) -> Amin

yields the erosion of A by the structuring element defined by B. The erosion is the array of local minima of A. The returned result Amin is similar to A (same size and type).

If B is not a kernel (that is, if B is not an array or is an instance of CartesianIndices), kernel(Dims{N},B) is called to build a kernel with N the number of dimensions of A.

If the structuring element B is equivalent to a simple hyper-rectangular sliding window (which is the case by default), the much faster van Herk-Gil-Werman algorithm is used.

An erosion is one of the most basic operations of mathematical morphology. See erode! for an in-place version of the method, dilate for retrieving the local maxima, and localextrema for performing an erosion and a dilation in a single pass.

erode!(Amin, A, [ord=ForwardFilter,] B=3) -> Amin

overwrites Amin with the erosion of the array A by the structuring element defined by B and returns Amin.

If the structuring element B is equivalent to a simple hyper-rectangular sliding window (which is the case by default), the much faster van Herk-Gil-Werman algorithm is used and the operation can be done in-place. That is, A and Amin can be the same arrays. In that case, the following syntax is allowed:

erode!(A, [ord=ForwardFilter,] B=3) -> A

See erode for an out-of-place version and for more information.

dilate(A, [ord=ForwardFilter,] B=3) -> Amax

yields the dilation of A by the structuring element defined by B. The dilation is the array of local maxima of A. The returned result Amax is similar to A (same size and type).

If B is not a kernel (that is, if B is not an array or is an instance of CartesianIndices), kernel(Dims{N},B) is called to build a kernel with N the number of dimensions of A.

If the structuring element B is equivalent to a simple hyper-rectangular sliding window (which is the case by default), the much faster van Herk-Gil-Werman algorithm is used.

A dilation is one of the most basic operations of mathematical morphology. See dilate! for an in-place version of the method, erode for retrieving the local minima, and localextrema for performing an erosion and a dilation in a single pass.

dilate!(Amax, A, [ord=ForwardFilter,] B=3) -> Amax

overwrites Amax with a dilation of the array A by the structuring element defined by B and returns Amax.

If the structuring element B is equivalent to a simple hyper-rectangular sliding window (which is the case by default), the much faster van Herk-Gil-Werman algorithm is used and the operation can be done in-place. That is, A and Amin can be the same arrays. In that case, the following syntax is allowed:

dilate!(A, [ord=ForwardFilter,] B=3) -> A

See dilate for an out-of-place version and for more information.

localextrema(A, [ord=ForwardFilter,] B=3) -> Amin, Amax

yields the results of performing an erosion and a dilation of A by the structuring element defined by B in a single pass. Calling this method is usually almost twice as fast as calling erode and dilate.

See localextrema! for an in-place version of the method, and erode or dilate for a description of these operations.

localextrema!(Amin, Amax, A, [ord=ForwardFilter,] B=3) -> Amin, Amax

overwrites Amin and Amax with, respectively, an erosion and a dilation of the array A by the structuring element defined by B in a single pass.

See localextrema for an out-of-place version for more information.

closing(A, [ord=ForwardFilter,] B=3) -> dst

yields a closing of array A by the structuring element defined by B. A closing is a dilation followed by an erosion. The result dst is an array similar to A.

See closing! for an in-place version of the method, opening for a related filter, and erode or dilate for a description of these operations.

closing!(dst, wrk, A, B=3) -> dst

overwrites dst with the result of a closing of A by the structuring element defined by B using wrk as a workspace array. The arguments dst, wrk, and A must be similar arrays, dst and A may be identical, but wrk must not be the same array as A or dst. The destination dst is returned.

See closing for a description of this kind of filter and for the meaning of the arguments.

opening(A, B=3) -> dst

yields an opening of array A by the structuring element defined by B. An opening is an erosion followed by a dilation. The result dst is an array similar to A.

See opening! for an in-place version of the method, closing for a related filter, and erode or dilate for a description of these operations.

opening!(dst, wrk, A, B=3) -> dst

overwrites dst with the result of an opening of A by the structuring element defined by B using wrk as a workspace array. The arguments dst, wrk, and A must be similar arrays, dst and A may be identical, but wrk must not be the same array as A or dst. The destination dst is returned.

See opening for a description of this kind of filter and for the meaning of the arguments.

top_hat(A, B=3 [, C]) -> dst

performs a summit detection by applying a top-hat filter to array A using the structuring element defined by B for the feature detection. Top-hat filtering is equivalent to:

dst = A .- opening(A, B)

Optional argument C specifies the structuring element for smoothing A prior to top-hat filtering. If B and C are specified as the radii of the structuring elements, then C should be smaller than B. For instance:

top_hat(bitmap, 3, 1)

may be used to detect text or lines in a bitmap image.

See bottom_hat for a related operation, LocalFilters.top_hat! for an in-place version.

LocalFilters.top_hat!(dst, wrk, A, [ord=ForwardFilter,] B=3) -> dst

overwrites dst with the result of a top-hat filter applied to A with structuring element B, and using wrk as a workspace whose contents is not preserved. The arguments A, dst, and wrk must be similar but different arrays. The destination dst is returned.

See also top_hat for more details.

bottom_hat(A, B=3 [, C]) -> dst

performs a valley detection by applying a bottom-hat filter to array A using the structuring element defined by B for the feature detection. Bottom-hat filtering is equivalent to:

dst = closing(A, B) .- A

Optional argument C specifies the structuring element for smoothing A prior to bottom-hat filtering. If B and C are specified as the radii of the structuring elements, then C should be smaller than B.

See top_hat for a related operation, LocalFilters.bottom_hat! for an in-place version.

LocalFilters.bottom_hat!(dst, wrk, A, B=3) -> dst

overwrites dst with the result of a bottom-hat filter applied to A with structuring element B and optional smoothing element C. Argument wrk is a workspace array whose contents is not preserved. The arguments A, dst, and wrk must be similar but different arrays. The destination dst is returned.

See also bottom_hat for more details.

strel(T, A)

yields a structuring element suitable for mathematical morphology operations. The result is an array whose elements have type T (which can be Bool or a floating-point type). Argument A can be a hyper-rectangular Cartesian sliding window or an array with boolean elements.

If T is a floating-point type, then the result is a so-called flat structuring element whose coefficients are zero(T) inside the shape defined by A and -T(Inf) elsewhere.


Other non-linear filters

bilateralfilter([T=float(eltype(A)),] A, F, [ord=ForwardFilter,] G...=3)

yields the result of applying the bilateral filter on array A.

Argument F specifies how to smooth the differences in values. It can be:

  • a function, say f, which is called as f(A[i],A[j]) to yield a nonnegative weight for i the central index and j the index in a nearby position;

  • a positive real, say σ, which is assumed to be the standard deviation of a Gaussian.

Arguments G, ... specify the settings of the distance filter for smoothing differences in coordinates. There are several possibilities:

  • G... = wgt an array of nonnegative weights or of booleans. The axes of wgt must have offsets so that the zero index is part of the indices of wgt.

  • G... = f, w with f a function and w any kind of argument that can be used to build a window win specifying the extension of the neighborhood. The value of the distance filter will be max(f(i),0) for all Cartesian index i of win such that win[i] is true. See kernel for the different ways to specify a window.

  • G... = σ or , G... = σ, w with σ a positive real assumed to be the standard deviation of a Gaussian function and w any kind of argument that can be used to build a window win specifying the extension of the neighborhood. If w is not specified, a default window of size ±3σ is assumed.

Optional argument T can be used to force the element type of the result. This argument is needed if the element type of A is not a real.

See bilateralfilter! for an in-place version of this function and see Wikipedia for a description of the bilateral filter.

bilateralfilter!(dst, A, F, [ord=ForwardFilter,] G...) -> dst

overwrites dst with the result of applying the bilateral filter on array A and returns dst.

See bilateralfilter for a description of the other arguments than dst and see Wikipedia for a description of the bilateral filter.


Generic driver for custom local filters

localfilter([T=eltype(A),] A, dims, op, [ord=ForwardFilter,]
            rngs[, wrk]) -> dst

yields the result of applying van Herk-Gil-Werman algorithm to filter array A along dimension(s) dims with (associative) binary operation op and contiguous structuring element(s) defined by the interval(s) rngs. Optional argument wrk is a workspace array with elements of type T which is automatically allocated if not provided; otherwise, it must be a vector with the same element type as A and it is resized as needed (by calling the resize! method). The optional argument T allows to specify another type of element than eltype(A) for the result.

Argument dims specifies along which dimension(s) of A the filter is to be applied, it can be a single integer, a tuple of integers, or a colon : to apply the operation to all dimensions. Dimensions are processed in the order given by dims (the same dimension may appear several times) and there must be a matching interval in rngs to specify the structuring element (except that if rngs is a single interval, it is used for every dimension in dims). An interval is either an integer or an integer valued unit range in the form kmin:kmax. An interval specified as a single integer yields an approximately centered range og this length.

Assuming a mono-dimensional array A, the single filtering pass:

dst = localfilter(A, :, op, rng)

amounts to computing (assuming forward ordering):

dst[j] =  A[i+kmin] ⋄ A[i+kmin+1] ⋄ ... ⋄ A[i+kmax-1] ⋄ A[i+kmax]

for all j ∈ axes(dst,1), with x ⋄ y = op(x, y), kmin = first(rng) and kmax = last(rng). Note that if kmin = kmax = k, the result of the filter is to operate a simple shift by k along the corresponding dimension and has no effects if k = 0. This can be exploited to not filter some dimension(s).

Flat boundary conditions are assumed for A[i+k] in the above formula.


The morphological erosion (local minimum) of the array A on a centered structuring element of width 7 in every dimension can be obtained by:

localfilter(A, :, min, -3:3)

Index interval 0:0 may be specified to do nothing along the corresponding dimension. For instance, assuming A is a three-dimensional array:

localfilter(A, :, max, (-3:3, 0:0, -4:4))

yields the morphological dilation (i.e. local maximum) of A in a centered local neighborhood of size 7×1×9 (nothing is done along the second dimension). The same result may be obtained with:

localfilter(A, (1,3), max, (-3:3, -4:4))

where the second dimension is omitted from the list of dimensions.

The local average of the two-dimensional array A on a centered moving window of size 11×11 can be computed as:

localfilter(A, :, +, (-5:5, -5:5))*(1/11)

See localfilter! for an in-place version of the method.

localfilter!([dst = A,] A, dims, op, [ord=ForwardFilter,] rngs[, wrk])

overwrites the contents of dst with the result of applying van Herk-Gil-Werman algorithm to filter array A along dimension(s) dims with (associative) binary operation op and contiguous structuring element(s) defined by the interval(s) rngs and using optional argument wrk as a workspace array. The destination dst must have the same indices as the source A (that is, axes(dst) == axes(A)). Operation may be done in-place and dst and A can be the same; this is the default behavior if dst is not specified.

See localfilter for a full description of the method.

The in-place morphological erosion (local minimum) of the array A on a centered structuring element of width 7 in every dimension can be obtained by:

localfilter!(A, :, min, -3:3)
localfilter!(dst, A, [ord = ForwardFilter,] B, initial, update,
             final = identity) -> dst

overwrites the destination dst with the result of a local filter applied to the source A, on a relative neighborhood defined by B, and implemented by initial, update, and final. The purpose of these latter arguments is explained by the following pseudo-codes implementing the local filtering. If ord = ForwardFilter:

@inbounds for i ∈ indices(dst)
    v = initial
    for j ∈ indices(A) ∩ (indices(B) + i)
        v = update(v, A[j], B[j-i])
    dst[i] = final(v)

else if ord = ReverseFilter:

@inbounds for i ∈ indices(dst)
    v = initial
    for j ∈ indices(A) ∩ (i - indices(B))
        v = update(v, A[j], B[i-j])
    dst[i] = final(v)

where indices(A) denotes the range of indices of any array A while indices(B) + i and i - indices(B) respectively denote the set of indices j such that j - i ∈ indices(B) and i - j ∈ indices(B). In other words, j ∈ indices(A) ∩ (i - indices(B)) means all indices j such that j ∈ indices(A) and i - j ∈ indices(B) so that A[j] and B[i-j] are in-bounds.

For example, implementing a local minimum filter (that is, an erosion), is as simple as:

localfilter!(dst, A, ord, B, typemax(eltype(a)),
             (v,a,b) -> ifelse(b, min(v,a), v))

As another example, implementing a convolution by B writes:

T = promote_type(eltype(A), eltype(B))
localfilter!(dst, A, ord, B, zero(T), (v,a,b) -> v + a*b)


Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for Neighborhood. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for RectangularBox. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for LocalFilters.Kernel. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for LocalFilters.ConstantProducer. Check Documenter's build log for details.


Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for LocalFilters.default_start. Check Documenter's build log for details.

LocalFilters.ball(Dims{N}, r)

yields a boolean mask which is a N-dimensional array with all dimensions odd and equal and set to true where position is inside a N-dimensional ball of radius r.

To have a mask with centered index ranges, call:

LocalFilters.centered(LocalFilters.ball(Dims{N}, r))