Generic local filters

Most filters provided by the LocalFilters package are implemented by the generic localfilter! method.

The localfilter! method

A local filtering operation can be performed by calling the localfilter! method as follows:

localfilter!(dst, A, B, initial, update, final = identity) -> dst

where dst is the destination, A is the source, B defines the neighborhood, initial gives the initial value of the state variable, update is a function to update the state variable for each entry of the neighborhood, and final is a function to yield the local result of the filter given the final value of the state variable. The purposes of these parameters are explained by the following pseudo-code implementing the local filtering:

@inbounds for i ∈ indices(dst)
    v = initial
    for j ∈ indices(A) ∩ (indices(B) + i)
        v = update(v, A[j], B[j-i])
    dst[i] = final(v)

where indices(A) denotes the set of indices of A while indices(B) + i denotes the set of indices j such that j - i ∈ indices(B) with indices(B) the set of indices of B. In other words, j ∈ indices(A) ∩ (indices(B) + i) means all indices j such that j ∈ indices(A) and j - i ∈ indices(B), hence A[j] and B[j-i] are in-bounds. In LocalFilters, indices i and j are multi-dimensional Cartesian indices, thus indices(A) is the analogous of CartesianIndices(A) in Julia.

The behavior of the filter is fully determined by the neighborhood B (see Section Neighborhoods, structuring elements, and kernels), by the type and initial value of the state variable v, and by the methods:

  • update(v, a, b) which yields the updated state variable v given the state variable v, a = A[j], and b = B[j-i];

  • final(v) which yields the result of the filter given the state variable v.


For example, implementing a local minimum filter (that is, an erosion), is as simple as:

localfilter!(dst, A, B, typemax(a),
             (v,a,b) -> min(v,a),
             (d,i,v) -> @inbounds(d[i] = v))

This is typically how mathematical morphology methods are implemented in LocalFilters.

As another example, implementing a convolution by B writes:

localfilter!(dst, A, B,
             (a)     -> zero(a),
             (v,a,b) -> v + a*b)

Apart from specializations to account for the type of neighborhood defined by B, it is essentially the way the convolve and convolve! methods (described in the Section Linear filters) are implemented in LocalFilters.