Notes about interpolation



Round parenthesis, as in f(x), denote a continuous function (x is a real number), square brakets, as in a[k], denote a sampled function (k ∈ ℤ is an integer number).


Interpolation amounts to convolving with a kernel ker(x):

f(x) = sum_k a[clip(k)]*ker(x - k)

where clip(k) imposes the boundary conditions and makes sure that the resulting index is within the bounds of array a.

It can be seen that interpolation acts as a linear filter. Finite impulse response (FIR) filters have a finite support. By convention we use centered kernels whose support is (-s/2,+s/2) with sthe width of the support. Infinite impulse response (IIR) filters have an infinite support.

Floor and ceil functions

Definitions of the floor() and ceil() functions (∀ x ∈ ℝ):

floor(x) = ⌊x⌋ = k ∈ ℤ   s.x.  k ≤ x < k+1
 ceil(x) = ⌈x⌉ = k ∈ ℤ   s.x.  k-1 < x ≤ k

As a consequence (∀ x ∈ ℝ and ∀ k ∈ ℤ):

floor(x) ≤ k   <=>   x < k+1       (1a)
floor(x) < k   <=>   x < k         (1b)

floor(x) ≥ k   <=>   x ≥ k         (1c)
floor(x) > k   <=>   x ≥ k+1       (1d)

ceil(x) ≤ k    <=>   x ≤ k         (2a)
ceil(x) < k    <=>   x ≤ k-1       (2b)

ceil(x) ≥ k    <=>   x > k-1       (2c)
ceil(x) > k    <=>   x > k         (2d)

Kernel support and neighbors indices

General support

Let (a,b) with a < b be the support of the kernel. We assume that the support size is strict, i.e. ker(x) = 0 if x ≤ a or x ≥ b. Thus, for a given x, the neighbors indices k to take into account in the interpolation formula are such that:

a < x - k < b     <=>    x - b < k < x - a

because outside this range, ker(x - k) = 0.

Using the equivalences (1b) and (2d), the neighbors indices k are those for which:

floor(x - b) < k < ceil(x - a)

holds. Equivalently:

floor(x - b + 1) ≤ k ≤ ceil(x - a - 1)

The first index to take into account is kfirst = floor(x - b + 1) and the last index to take into account is klast = ceil(x - a - 1).

Symmetric integer support

Let s = |b - a| denotes the width of the support of the kernel. We now assume that the support size is integer (s ∈ ℕ), symmetric (a = -s/2 and b = +s/2), and strict (ker(x) = 0 if |x| ≥ s/2). Thus, for a given x, the neighbors indices k to take into account are such that:

|x - k| < s/2   <=>   x - s/2 < k < x + s/2
                <=>   floor(x - s/2 + 1) ≤ k ≤ ceil(x + s/2 - 1)

The number of indices in the above range is equal to s unless x is integer while s is even or x is half-integer while s is odd. For these specific cases, there are s - 1 indices in the range. However, always having the same number (s) of indices to consider yields code easier to write and optimize. We therefore choose that the first index k1 and last index ks to take into account are either:

  • k1 = floor(x - s/2 + 1) and ks = k1 + s - 1;

  • or ks = ceil(x + s/2 - 1) and k1 = ks - s + 1.

For the specific values of x aforementioned, one of ker(x - k1) = 0 or ker(x - ks) = 0 holds. For other values of x, the two choices are equivalent.

In what follows, we choose to define the first index (before clipping) by:

k1 = k0 + 1


k0 = floor(x - s/2)

and all indices to consider are:

k = k0 + 1, k0 + 2, ..., k0 + s


Now we have the constraint that: kmin ≤ k ≤ kmax. If we apply a "nearest bound" condition, then:

  • if ks = k0 + s ≤ kmin, then all infices k are clipped to kmin; using the fact that s is integer and equivalence (1a), this occurs whenever:

          kmin ≥ k0 + s = floor(x - s/2) + s = floor(x + s/2)
    <=>   x < kmin - s/2 + 1
  • if kmax ≤ k1 = k0 + 1, then all indices k are clipped to kmax; using equivalence (1c), this occurs whenever:

          kmax ≤ k0 + 1 = floor(x - s/2 + 1)
    <=>   x ≥ kmax + s/2 - 1

These cases have to be considered before computing k0 = (int)floor(x - s/2) not only for optimization reasons but also because floor(...) may be beyond the limits of a numerical integer.

The most simple case is when all considered indices are within the bounds which, using equivalences (1a) and (1c), implies:

      kmin ≤ k0 + 1   and   k0 + s ≤ kmax
<=>   kmin + s/2 - 1 ≤ x < kmax - s/2 + 1

Efficient computation of coefficients

For a given value of x the coefficients of the interpolation are given by:

w[i] = ker(x - k0 - i)

with k0 = floor(x - s/2) and for i = 1, 2, ..., s.

Note that there must be no clipping of the indices here, clipping is only for indexing the interpolated array and depends on the boundary conditions.

Many interpolation kernels (see below) are splines which are piecewise polynomials defined over sub-intervals of size 1. That is:

ker(x) = h[1](x)    for -s/2 ≤ x ≤ 1 - s/2
         h[2](x)    for 1 - s/2 ≤ x ≤ 2 - s/2
         h[j](x)    for j - 1 - s/2 ≤ x ≤ j - s/2
         h[s](x)    for s/2 - 1 ≤ x ≤ s/2


w[i] = ker(x - k0 - i) = h[s + 1 - i](x - k0 - i)

In Julia implementation the interpolation coefficients are computed by the getweights() method specialized for each type of kernel an called as:

getweights(ker, t) -> w1, w2, ..., wS

to get the S interpolation weights for a given offset t computed as:

t = x - floor(x)        if s is even
    x - round(x)        if s is odd

Thus t ∈ [0,1] if S is even or or for t ∈ [-1/2,+1/2] if S is odd.

There are 2 cases depending on the parity of s:

  • If s is even, then k0 = floor(x - s/2) = floor(x) - s/2 hence t = x - floor(x) = x - k0 - s/2.

  • If s is odd, then k0 = floor(x - s/2) = floor(x + 1/2) - (s + 1)/2 round(x) = floor(x + 1/2) = k0 + (s + 1)/2 and t = x - round(x) = x - k0 - (s + 1)/2.

Therefore the argument of h[s + 1 - i](...) is:

x - k0 - i = t + s/2 - i          if s is even
             t + (s + 1)/2 - i    if s is odd


x - k0 - i = t + ⌊(s + 1)/2⌋ - i

whatever the parity of s.

Cubic Interpolation

Keys's cubic interpolation kernels are given by:

ker(x) = (a+2)*|x|^3 - (a+3)*|x|^2 + 1          for |x| ≤ 1
       = a*|x|^3 - 5*a*|x|^2 + 8*a*|x| - 4*a    for 1 ≤ |x| ≤ 2
       = 0                                      else

Mitchell and Netravali family of piecewise cubic filters (which depend on 2 parameters, b and c) are given by:

ker(x) = (1/6)*((12 - 9*b - 6*c)*|x|^3
         + (-18 + 12*b + 6*c)*|x|^2 + (6 - 2*B))        for |x| ≤ 1
       = (1/6)*((-b - 6*c)*|x|^3 + (6*b + 30*c)*|x|^2
         + (-12*b - 48*c)*|x| + (8*b + 24*c))           for 1 ≤ |x| ≤ 2
       = 0                                              else

These kernels are continuous, symmetric, have continuous 1st derivatives and sum of coefficients is one (needs not be normalized). Using the constraint:

b + 2*c = 1

yields a cubic filter with, at least, quadratic order approximation.

(b,c) = (1,0)     ==> cubic B-spline
(b,c) = (0, -a)   ==> Keys's cardinal cubics
(b,c) = (0,1/2)   ==> Catmull-Rom cubics
(b,c) = (b,0)     ==> Duff's tensioned B-spline
(b,c) = (1/3,1/3) ==> recommended by Mitchell-Netravali

See paper by [Mitchell and Netravali, "Reconstruction Filters in Computer Graphics Computer Graphics", Volume 22, Number 4, (1988)][Mitchell-Netravali-pdf].


Resampling/interpolation is done by:

dst[i] = sum_j ker(grd[j] - pos[i])*src[j]

with dst the resulting array, src the values of a function sampled on a regular grid grd, ker the interpolation kernel, and pos the coordinates where to interpolate the sampled function.

To limit the storage and the number of operations, we want to determine the range of indices for which the kernel function is non-zero. We have that:

abs(x) ≥ s/2  ==>  ker(x) = 0

with s = length(ker). Taking x = grd[j] - pos[i], then:

abs(x) < s/2  <==>  pos[i] - s/2 < grd[j] < pos[i] + s/2

grd is a Range so an "exact" formula for its elements is given by a linear interpolation:

grd[j] = t0*(j1 - j)/(j1 - j0) + t1*(j - j0)/(j1 - j0)


    j0 = 1             # first grid index
    j1 = length(grd)   # last grid index
    t0 = first(grd)    # first grid coordinate
    t1 = last(grd)     # last grid coordinate

Note that:

    d = (t1 - t0)/(j1 - j0)
      = step(grd)

is the increment between adjacent grip nodes (may be negative).

The reverse formula in the form of a linear interpolation is:

    f[i] = j0*(t1 - pos[i])/(t1 - t0) + j1*(pos[i] - t0)/(t1 - t0)

which yields a (fractional) grid index f for coordinate pos[i]. Taking care of the fact that the grid step may be negative, the maximum number of non-zero coefficients is given by:

    M = floor(Int, length(ker)/abs(step(grd)))
      = floor(Int, w)


    w = length(ker)/abs(d)    # beware d = step(grd) may be negative

the size of the support in grid index units. The indices of the first non-zero coefficients are:

    j = l[i] + k

for k = 1, 2, ..., M and

    l[i] = ceil(Int, f[i] - w/2) - 1

the corresponding offsets are (assuming the grid extends infinitely):

    x[i,j] = pos[i] - grd[j]
           = pos[i] - (grd[0] + (l[i] + k)*d)
           = ((pos[i] - grd[0])/d - l[i] - k)*d
           = (f[i] - l[i] - k)*d

The final issue to address is to avoid InexactError exceptions.
