Methods for mappings

LazyAlgebra provides a number of mappings and linear operators. To create new primitive mapping types (not by combining existing mappings) and benefit from the LazyAlgebra infrastruture, you have to:

  • Create a new type derived from Mapping or one of its abstract sub-types such as LinearMapping.

  • Implement at least two methods apply! and vcreate specialized for the new mapping type. Applying the mapping is done by the former method. The latter method is called to create a new output variable suitable to store the result of applying the mapping (or one of its variants) to some input variable.

  • Optionally specialize method identical for two arguments of the new mapping type.

The vcreate method

The signature of the vcreate method to be implemented by specific mapping types is:

vcreate(::Type{P}, A::Ta, x::Tx, scratch::Bool) -> y

where A is the mapping, x its argument and P is one of Direct, Adjoint, Inverse and/or InverseAdjoint (or equivalently AdjointInverse) and indicates how A is to be applied:

  • Direct to apply A to x, e.g. to compute A⋅x;
  • Adjoint to apply the adjoint of A to x, e.g. to compute A'⋅x;
  • Inverse to apply the inverse of A to x, e.g. to compute A\x;
  • InverseAdjoint or AdjointInverse to apply the inverse of A' to x, e.g. to compute A'\x.

The result returned by vcreate is a new output variables suitable to store the result of applying the mapping A (or one of its variants as indicated by P) to the input variables x.

The scratch argument is a boolean to let the caller indicate whether the input variable x may be re-used to store the result. If scratch is true and if that make sense, the value returned by vcreate may be x. Calling vcreate with scratch=true can be used to limit the allocation of resources when possible. Having scratch=true is only indicative and a specific implementation of vcreate may legitimately always assume scratch=false and return a new variable whatever the value of this argument (e.g. because applying the considered mapping in-place is not possible or because the considered mapping is not an endomorphism). Of course, the opposite behavior (i.e., assuming that scratch=true while the method was called with scratch=false) is forbidden.

The result returned by vcreate should be of predictible type to ensure type-stability. Checking the validity (e.g. the size) of argument x in vcreate may be skipped because this argument will be eventually checked by the apply! method.

The apply! method

The signature of the apply! method to be implemented by specific mapping types is:

apply!(α::Number, ::Type{P}, A::Ta, x::Tx, scratch::Bool, β::Number, y::Ty) -> y

This method shall overwrites the contents of output variables y with the result of α*P(A)⋅x + β*y where P is one of Direct, Adjoint, Inverse and/or InverseAdjoint (or equivalently AdjointInverse) and shall return y. The convention is that the prior contents of y is not used at all if β = 0 so the contents of y does not need to be initialized in that case.

Not all operations P must be implemented, only the supported ones. For iterative resolution of (inverse) problems, it is generally needed to implement at least the Direct and Adjoint operations for linear operators. However nonlinear mappings are not supposed to implement the Adjoint and derived operations.

Argument scratch is a boolean to let the caller indicate whether the contents of the input variable x may be overwritten during the operations. If scratch=false, the apply! method shall not modify the contents of x.

The identical method

The method identical(A,B) yields whether A and B are the same mappings in the sense that their effects will always be the same. This method is used to perform some simplifications and optimizations and may have to be specialized for specific mapping types. The default implementation is to return A === B.

The returned result may be true although A and B are not necessarily the same object. In the below example, if A and B are two sparse matrices whose coefficients and indices are stored in the same vectors (as can be tested with the === operator) this method should return true because the two operators will behave identically (any changes in the coefficients or indices of A will be reflected in B). If any of the vectors storing the coefficients or the indices are not the same objects, then identical(A,B) must return false even though the stored values may be the same because it is possible, later, to change one operator without affecting identically the other.


The following example implements a simple sparse linear operator which is able to operate on multi-dimensional arrays (the so-called variables):

# Use LazyAlgebra framework and import methods that need to be extended.
using LazyAlgebra
import LazyAlgebra: vcreate, apply!, input_size, output_size

struct SparseOperator{T<:AbstractFloat,M,N} <: LinearMapping

input_size(S::SparseOperator) = S.inpdims
output_size(S::SparseOperator) = S.outdims

function vcreate(::Type{Direct}, S::SparseOperator{Ts,M,N},
                 scratch::Bool) where {Ts<:Real,Tx<:Real,M,N}
    @assert size(x) == input_size(S)
    Ty = promote_type(Ts, Tx)
    return Array{Ty}(undef, output_size(S))

function vcreate(::Type{Adjoint}, S::SparseOperator{Ts,M,N},
                 scratch::Bool) where {Ts<:Real,Tx<:Real,M,N}
    @assert size(x) == output_size(S)
    Ty = promote_type(Ts, Tx)
    return Array{Ty}(undef, input_size(S))

function apply!(α::Real,
                y::DenseArray{Ty,M}) where {Ts<:Real,Tx<:Real,Ty<:Real,M,N}
    @assert size(x) == input_size(S)
    @assert size(y) == output_size(S)
    β == 1 || vscale!(y, β)
    if α != 0
        A, I, J = S.A, S.I, S.J
        alpha = convert(promote_type(Ts,Tx,Ty), α)
        @assert length(I) == length(J) == length(A)
        for k in 1:length(A)
            i, j = I[k], J[k]
            y[i] += alpha*A[k]*x[j]
    return y

function apply!(α::Real,
                y::DenseArray{Ty,N}) where {Ts<:Real,Tx<:Real,Ty<:Real,M,N}
    @assert size(x) == output_size(S)
    @assert size(y) == input_size(S)
    β == 1 || vscale!(y, β)
    if α != 0
        A, I, J = S.A, S.I, S.J
        alpha = convert(promote_type(Ts,Tx,Ty), α)
        @assert length(I) == length(J) == length(A)
        for k in 1:length(A)
            i, j = I[k], J[k]
            y[j] += alpha*A[k]*x[i]
    return y

identical(A::T, B::T) where {T<:SparseOperator} =
    (A.outdims == B.outdims && A.inpdims == B.inpdims &&
     A.A === B.A && A.I === B.I && A.J === B.J)


  • In our example, arrays are restricted to be dense so that linear indexing is efficient. For the sake of clarity, the above code is intended to be correct although there are many possible optimizations.

  • If α = 0 there is nothing to do except scale y by β.

  • The call to vscale!(β, y) is to properly initialize y. Remember the convention that the contents of y is not used at all if β = 0 so y does not need to be properly initialized in that case, it will simply be zero-filled by the call to vscale!. The statements

    β == 1 || vscale!(y, β)

    are equivalent to:

    if β != 1
        vscale!(y, β)

    which may be simplified to just calling vscale! unconditionally:

    vscale!(y, β)

    as vscale!(y, β) does nothing if β = 1.

  • @inbounds could be used for the loops but this would require checking that all indices are whithin the bounds. In this example, only k is guaranteed to be valid, i and j have to be checked.