
LazyAlgebra is not yet an offical Julia package but it is easy to install it from Julia as explained below. Note that LazyAlgebra requires the ArrayTools package.

Using the package manager

At the REPL of Julia, hit the ] key to switch to the package manager REPL (you should get a ... pkg> prompt) and type:

pkg> add
pkg> add
pkg> add
pkg> add

where pkg> represents the package manager prompt and https protocol has been assumed; if ssh is more suitable for you, then type:

pkg> add
pkg> add

instead. To check whether the LazyAlgebra package works correctly, type:

pkg> test LazyAlgebra

Later, to update to the last version (and run tests), you can type:

pkg> update LazyAlgebra
pkg> build LazyAlgebra
pkg> test LazyAlgebra

If something goes wrong, it may be because you already have an old version of LazyAlgebra. Uninstall LazyAlgebra as follows:

pkg> rm LazyAlgebra
pkg> gc
pkg> add

before re-installing.

To revert to Julia's REPL, hit the Backspace key at the ... pkg> prompt.

Installation in scripts

To install LazyAlgebra in a Julia script, write:

if VERSION >= v"0.7.0-"; using Pkg; end
Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url="", rev="master"));

or with url="" if you want to use ssh.

This also works from the Julia REPL.