Sparse operators

A sparse operator (SparseOperator) in LazyAlgebra is the generalization of a sparse matrix. Like a GeneralMatrix, rows and columns may be multi-dimensional. However unlike a GeneralMatrix, a sparse operator only stores its structural non-zero entries and thus requires fewer memory and is usually faster to apply.

There are many different possibilities for storing a sparse operator, hence SparseOperator{T,M,N} is an abstract type inherited by the concrete types implementing compressed sparse storage in various formats. Parameter T is the type of the elements while parameters M and N are the number of dimensions of the rows and of the columns respectively. Objects of this kind are a generalization of sparse matrices in the sense that they implement linear mappings which can be applied to N-dimensional arguments to produce M-dimensional results (as explained below). The construction of a sparse operator depends on its storage format. Several concrete implementations are provided: Compressed Sparse Row (CSR), Compressed Sparse Column (CSC) and Compressed Sparse Coordinate (COO).

Basic methods

The following methods are generally applicable to any sparse operator A:

  • eltype(A) yields T, the type of the elements of A;

  • row_size(A) yields an M-tuple of Int: the size of the rows of A, this is equivalent to output_size(A);

  • col_size(A) yields an Ntuple of Int: the size of the columns of A, this is equivalent to input_size(A);

  • nrows(A) yields prod(row_size(A)), the equivalent number of rows of A;

  • ncols(A) yields prod(col_size(A)), the equivalent number of columns of A.

  • ndims(A) yields M + N the number of dimensions of the regular array corresponding to the sparse operator A;

  • size(A) yields (row_size(A)..., col_size(A)...) the size of the regular array corresponding to the sparse operator A;

  • length(A) yields prod(size(A)) the number of elements of the regular array corresponding to the sparse operator A;

  • nnz(A) yields the number of structural non-zeros in A;

  • nonzeros(A) yields the vector of structural non-zeros in A.

The structural non-zeros are the entries stored by the sparse structure, they may or not be equal to zero, un-stored entries are always considered as being equal to zero.

As can be seen above, eltype, ndims, size and length yield the same results as if applied to the multi-dimensional array corresponding to the sparse operator.

Generalized matrix multplication by a sparse operator

A sparse operator A can be directly used as any linear mapping in LazyAlgebra:


yields the generalized matrix multiplication of x by A. The size of x must be that of the columns of A, that is col_size(A). The result is an array whose size is that of the rows of A, that is size(A*x) = row_size(A). Applying the adjoint of A is also implemented by the usual syntax:


to produce an array of size col_size(A) provided y is of suitable size, i.e. size(y) = row_size(A).

Sparse operators can be used as iterators, the value returned by the iterator is a 3-tuple (v,i,j) with the value, the linear row index and the linear column index of the entry. For instance:

for (v,i,j) in A
    println("A[$i,$j] = $v")

This can be used to illustrate how w = A*x and z = A'*y could be computed for the sparse operator A:

# Compute w = A*x:
@assert !Base.has_offset_axes(x)
@assert size(x) == col_size(A)
T = promote_type(eltype(A),eltype(x))
w = zeros(T, row_size(A))
@inbounds for (v,i,j) in A
    w[i] += v*x[j]


# Compute z = A'*y:
@assert !Base.has_offset_axes(y)
@assert size(y) == row_size(A)
T = promote_type(eltype(A),eltype(y))
z = zeros(T, col_size(A))
@inbounds for (v,i,j) in A
    z[j] += conj(v)*y[i]

Actual implementations of sparse operators in LazyAlgebra are equivalent to the above examples but should be more efficient because they exploit the specific storage format of a compressed sparse operator (see CompressedSparseOperator, SparseOperatorCSR, SparseOperatorCSC and SparseOperatorCOO).


For now, row and column indices are restricted to be linear indices and arguments to the linear mappings implemented by compressed sparse operators must be arrays with conventional indexing (1-based linear indices) and preferably implementing linear indices (not Cartesian ones).

Simple construction of compressed sparse operators

Compressed sparse operators only store their structural non-zero elements. The abstract super-type of these sparse operators is CompressedSparseOperator{F,T,M,N} which is a direct sub-type of SparseOperator{T,M,N} with an additional parameter F to specify the storage format. The parameter F is specificed as a symbol and can be:

  • :COO for Compressed Sparse Coordinate storage format. This format is not the most efficient, it is mostly used as an intermediate for building a sparse operator in one of the following format.

  • :CSC for Compressed Sparse Column storage format. This format is very efficient for applying the adjoint of the sparse operator.

  • :CSR for Compressed Sparse Row storage format. This format is very efficient for directly applying the sparse operator.

To construct a compressed sparse operator in a given format F from the values in a 2-dimensional array A call:

CompressedSparseOperator{F}(A, sel = (v,i,j) -> (v != zero(v)))

where optional argument sel is a selector function which is called as sel(v,i,j) with v, i and j the value, the row and the column linear indices for each entries of A and which is assumed to yield true for the entries of A to be selected in the sparse structure and false for the entries of A to discard. The default selector is such that all non-zeros of A are selected. As an example, to select the non-zeros of the lower triangular part of A, the constructor can be called as:

CompressedSparseOperator{F}(A, (v,i,j) -> ((i ≥ j)&(v != zero(v))))

Note the (slight) optimization of the expression with a biwise AND & instead of a short-circuiting logical AND && to avoid branching.

By default the values of the structural non-zeros of the sparse operator have the same type as the elements of A, you can enforce a specific element type T with:

CompressedSparseOperator{F,T}(A[, sel])

To generalize the matrix-vector product, a sparse operator can emulate an array with more than 2 dimensions. In that case, you must specify the number M of leading dimensions that are considered as the rows:

CompressedSparseOperator{F,T,M}(A[, sel])

The number N of trailing dimensions that are considered as the columns can also be specified (although they can be automatically guessed):

CompressedSparseOperator{F,T,M,N}(A[, sel])

with the restriction that M ≥ 1, N ≥ 1 and M + N = ndims(A). Note that parameter T can be Any to keep the same element type as A.

Finally, the type V of the vector used to store the coefficients of the sparse operator may also be specified:

CompressedSparseOperator{F,T,M,N,V}(A[, sel])

with the restriction that V must have standard linear indexing. The default is to take V = Vector{T}. As a special case, you can choose a uniform boolean vector from the StructuredArrays package to store the sparse coefficients:

CompressedSparseOperator{F,T,M,N,UniformVector{Bool}}(A[, sel])

yields a compressed sparse operator whose values are an immutable uniform vector of true values requiring no storage. This is useful if you want to only store the sparse structure of the selected values, that is their indices in the compressed format F not their values.

As explained in the last sections, compressed sparse operators can also be consructed by providing the values of the structural non-zeros and their respective row and column indices. As a general rule, to construct (or convert to) a sparse operator with compressed storage format F, you can call:

CompressedSparseOperator{F}(args...; kwds...)
CompressedSparseOperator{F,T}(args...; kwds...)
CompressedSparseOperator{F,T,M}(args...; kwds...)
CompressedSparseOperator{F,T,M,N}(args...; kwds...)
CompressedSparseOperator{F,T,M,N,V}(args...; kwds...)

where given parameters T, M, N and V, arguments args... and optional keywords kwds... will be passed to the concrete constructor SparseOperatorCOO, SparseOperatorCSC or SparseOperatorCSR corresponding to the format F. For instance,

CompressedSparseOperator{:CSR}(A) -> SparseOperatorCSR(A)

Accessing the structural non-zeros

It is possible to use a compressed sparse operator A as an iterator:

for (Aij,i,j) in A # simple but slow for CSR and CSC

to retrieve the values Aij and respective row i and column j indices for all the entries stored in A. It is however more efficient to access them according to their storage order which depends on the compressed format.

  • If A is in CSC format:

    using LazyAlgebra.SparseMethods
    for j in each_col(A)        # loop over column index
        for k in each_off(A, j) # loop over structural non-zeros in this column
            i   = get_row(A, k) # get row index of entry
            Aij = get_val(A, k) # get value of entry
  • If A is in CSR format:

    using LazyAlgebra.SparseMethods
    for i in each_row(A)        # loop over row index
        for k in each_off(A, i) # loop over structural non-zeros in this row
            j   = get_col(A, k) # get column index of entry
            Aij = get_val(A, k) # get value of entry
  • If A is in COO format:

    using LazyAlgebra.SparseMethods
    for k in each_off(A)
         i   = get_row(A, k) # get row index of entry
         j   = get_col(A, k) # get column index of entry
         Aij = get_val(A, k) # get value of entry

The low-level methods each_row, each_col, each_off, get_row, get_col and get_val are not automatically exported by LazyAlgebra, this is the purpose of the statement using LazyAlgebra.SparseMethods. These methods may be extended to implement variants of compressed sparse operators.

Sparse operators in COO format

Sparse operators in Compressed Sparse Coordinate (COO) format store the significant entries in no particular order, as a vector of values, a vector of linear row indices and a vector of linear column indices. It is even possible to have repeated entries. This format is very useful to build a sparse operator. It can be converted to a more efficient format like Compressed Sparse Column or Compressed Sparse Row for fast application of the sparse linear mapping or of its adjoint.

A sparse operator in with COO storage can be directly constructed by:

CompressedSparseOperator{:COO}(vals, rows, cols, rowsiz, colsiz)

which is the same as:

SparseOperatorCOO(vals, rows, cols, rowsiz, colsiz)

or, if you want to force the element type of the result, one of the following:

CompressedSparseOperator{:COO,T}(vals, rows, cols, rowsiz, colsiz)
SparseOperatorCOO{T}(vals, rows, cols, rowsiz, colsiz)

Here, vals is the vector of values of the sparse entries, rows and cols are integer valued vectors with the linear row and column indices of the sparse entries, rowsiz and colsiz are the sizes of the row and column dimensions. The entries values and respective linear row and column indices of the k-th sparse entry are given by vals[k], rows[k] and cols[k].

For efficiency reasons, sparse operators are currently limited to fast arrays because they can be indexed linearly with no loss of performances. If vals, rows and/or cols are not fast arrays, they will be automatically converted to linearly indexed arrays.

Sparse operators in CSC format

Sparse operators in Compressed Sparse Column (CSC) format store the significant entries in a column-wise order, as a vector of values, a vector of corresponding linear row indices and a vector of offsets indicating, for each column, the range of indices in the vectors of values and of row indices.

A sparse operator in with CSC storage can be directly constructed by:

CompressedSparseOperator{:CSC}(vals, rows, offs, rowsiz, colsiz)

which is the same as:

SparseOperatorCSC(vals, rows, offs, rowsiz, colsiz)

or, if you want to force the element type of the result, one of the following:

CompressedSparseOperator{:CSC,T}(vals, rows, offs, rowsiz, colsiz)
SparseOperatorCSC{T}(vals, rows, offs, rowsiz, colsiz)

Here, vals is the vector of values of the sparse entries, rows is an integer valued vector of the linear row indices of the sparse entries, offs is a column-wise table of offsets in these arrays, rowsiz and colsiz are the sizes of the row and column dimensions. The entries values and respective linear row indices of the j-th column are given by vals[k] and rows[k] with k ∈ offs[j]+1:offs[j+1]. The linear column index j is in the range 1:n where n = prod(colsiz) is the equivalent number of columns.

For efficiency reasons, sparse operators are currently limited to fast arrays because they can be indexed linearly with no loss of performances. If vals, rows and/or offs are not fast arrays, they will be automatically converted to linearly indexed arrays.

Sparse operators in CSR format

Sparse operators in Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format store the significant entries in a row-wise order, as a vector of values, a vector of corresponding linear column indices and a vector of offsets indicating, for each row, the range of indices in the vectors of values and of column indices.

A sparse operator in with CSR storage can be directly constructed by:

CompressedSparseOperator{:CSR}(vals, cols, offs, rowsiz, colsiz)

which is the same as:

SparseOperatorCSR(vals, cols, offs, rowsiz, colsiz)

or, if you want to force the element type of the result, one of the following:

CompressedSparseOperator{:CSR,T}(vals, cols, offs, rowsiz, colsiz)
SparseOperatorCSR{T}(vals, cols, offs, rowsiz, colsiz)

Here, vals is the vector of values of the sparse entries, cols is an integer valued vector of the linear column indices of the sparse entries, offs is a column-wise table of offsets in these arrays, rowsiz and colsiz are the sizes of the row and column dimensions. The entries values and respective linear column indices of the i-th row are given by vals[k] and cols[k] with k ∈ offs[j]+1:offs[j+1]. The linear row index i is in the range 1:m where m = prod(rowsiz) is the equivalent number of rows.

For efficiency reasons, sparse operators are currently limited to fast arrays because they can be indexed linearly with no loss of performances. If vals, cols and/or offs are not fast arrays, they will be automatically converted to linearly indexed arrays.


Calling a sparse operator constructor can also be used to convert between different formats or to change the type of the stored values. For example, to convert a sparse operator A into a Compressed Spase Row (CSR) format, the following calls are equivalent:

convert(SparseOperatorCSR, A)
convert(CompressedSparseOperator{:CSR}, A)

If A is in Compressed Sparse Coordinate (COO) format, entries are sorted and duplicates merged. This also occurs when converting from COO format to Compressed Sparse Column (CSC) format. Such conversions are very useful as building a sparse operator in COO format is easier while CSC and CSR formats are more efficients.

It is sufficient to specify the element type T to convert the storage format and the type of the stored values. For example, any of the following will convert A to CSC format with element type T:

convert(SparseOperatorCSC{T}, A)
convert(CompressedSparseOperator{:CSC,T}, A)

If you just want to convert the type of the values stored by the sparse operator A to type T while keeping its storage format, any of the following will do the job:

convert(SparseOperator{T}, A)
convert(CompressedSparseOperator{Any,T}, A)

As can be seen, specifying Any for the format parameter in CompressedSparseOperator is a mean to keep the same storage format.

Other methods

A sparse operator S can be reshaped:

reshape(S, rowdims, coldims)

where rowdims and coldims are the new list of dimensions for the rows and the columns, their product must be equal to the product of the former lists of dimensions (which means that you cannot change the number of elements of the input and output of a sparse operator). The reshaped sparse operator and S share the arrays of non-zero coefficients and corresponding row and column indices, hence reshaping is a fast operation.

The non-zero coefficients of a sparse operator S can be unpacked into a provided array A:

unpack!(A, S; flatten=false) -> A

Keyword flatten specifies whether to only consider the length of A instead of its dimensions. In any cases, A must have as many elements as length(S) and standard linear indexing. Just call Array(S) to unpack the coefficients of the sparse operator S without providing the destination array or Array{T}(S) if you want to a specific element type T.

[LinearInterpolators]: [SparseArrays]: [sparse]: [SparseMatrixCSC]: