
InterpolationKernels provide the following kernels (T is an optional floating-point type):

BSpline{1,T}1yesrectangular B-spline
BSpline{2,T}2yeslinear B-spline
BSpline{3,T}3noquadratic B-spline
BSpline{4,T}4nocubic B-spline
CubicSpline{T}4yes/noa, bcubic splines
CardinalCubicSpline{T}4yesacardinal cubic splines
CatmullRomSpline{T}4yesCatmull & Rom kernel
MitchellNetravaliSpline{T}4yes/nob, cMitchell & Netravali kernels
LanczosKernel{S,T}SyesSLanczos re-sampling kernels

In this table, the Cardinal column indicates whether a kernel ker(x) is a cardinal function, that is ker(k) = 0 for all integers k except that ker(0) = 1 which makes such a kernel directly suitable for interpolation.

A spline is defined as a piecewise polynomial of given degree. A B-spline of order S is a piecesiwe polynomial of degree S - 1 which is everywhere nonnegative, an even and normalized function (its integral is equal to 1).

Rectangular interpolation kernel

The rectangular interpolation kernel (also known as box kernel or Fourier window or Dirichlet window) is the 1st order B-spline equals to 1 on [-1/2,+1/2), and 0 elsewhere. Interpolation by a rectangular spline amounts to interpolating by the nearest neighbor.

An instance of a rectangular interpolation kernel is created by:

ker = BSpline{1,T}()

where the floating-point type T is assumed to be Float64 if omitted.

The expression ker' yields the first derivative of the kernel ker. An instance of a kernel implementing the first derivative of a rectangular interpolation kernel may be directly created by:


where, again, the floating-point type parameter T my be omitted.

Triangular interpolation kernel

The triangular interpolation kernel linear spline (also known as triangle kernel or Bartlett window or Fejér window) is the 2nd order B-spline defined by:

ker(x) = 1 - |x|       if |x| ≤ 1
         0             if |x| ≥ 1

An instance of a triangular interpolation kernel is created by:

ker = BSpline{2,T}()

where the floating-point type T is assumed to be Float64 if omitted.

The expression ker' yields the first derivative of the kernel ker. An instance of a kernel implementing the first derivative of a triangular interpolation kernel may be directly created by:


where, again, the floating-point type parameter T my be omitted.

Quadratic B-spline

The quadratic B-spline is the 3rd order B-spline defined by:

ker(x) = 3/4 - x^2                   if |x| ≤ 1/2
         (1/2)*(|x| - 3/2)^2         if |x| ≤ 3/2
         0                           if |x| ≥ 3/2

An instance of a quadratic B-spline is created by:


where the floating-point type T is assumed to be Float64 if omitted.

The expression ker' yields the first derivative of the kernel ker. An instance of a kernel implementing the first derivative of a quadratic B-spline may be directly created by:


where, again, the floating-point type parameter T my be omitted.

Cubic B-spline

The 4th order (cubic) B-spline kernel (also known as Parzen window or as de la Vallée Poussin window) is defined by:

ker(x) = (|x|/2 - 1)*|x|^2 + 2/3     if |x| ≤ 1
         (1/6)*(2 - |x|)^3           if 1 ≤ |x| ≤ 2
         0                           if |x| ≥ 2

An of a cubic B-spline is created by:


where the floating-point type T is assumed to be Float64 if omitted.

The cubic B-spline is a C² continuous function (its derivatives up to the second one are everywhere continuous). The expression ker' yields the first derivative of the kernel ker. An instance of a kernel implementing the first derivative of a cubic B-spline may be directly created by:


where, again, the floating-point type parameter T my be omitted.

Cubic splines

An instance of the familily of cubic spline kernels is created by:

ker = CubicSpline{T}(a, b)

and is defined by:

ker(x) = ((2 + a - 6b)*|x| +  (9b - a - 3))*x^2 + (1 - 2b)  if |x| ≤ 1
         ((a + 2b)*|x| - (a + b))*(|x| - 2)^2               if |x| ≤ 2
         0                                                  if |x| ≥ 2

The parameters a = ker'(1) and b = ker(1) are the slope and the value of the function ker(x) at x = 1. The type parameter T is the floating-point type for computations T, it may be omitted in which case it is guessed from the types of a and b as T = float(promote(typeof(a), typeof(b))).

A cubic spline kernel is at least C¹ continuous, the expression ker' yields a kernel instance implementing the 1st derivative of the generic cubic spline ker. Such a derivative may be directly built by calling:

CubicSplinePrime{T}(a, b)

Depending on the values of the parameters a and b, more specific cubic spline kernels can be emulated:

  • CubicSpline{T}(-1/2,1/6) yields a cubic B-spline as built by BSpline{4,T}().

  • CubicSpline{T}(a,0) yields a cardinal cubic spline as built by CardinalCubicSpline{T}(a).

  • CubicSpline{T}(-1/2,0) yields a Catmull-Rom kernel as built by CatmullRomSpline{T}().

  • CubicSpline{T}(-b/2-c,b/6) yields Mitchell & Netravali cubic spline as built by MitchellNetravaliSpline{T}(b,c).

Calling BSpline, CatmullRomSpline, CardinalCubicSpline, or MitchellNetravaliSpline to build these more specialized cubic splines may yield more efficient kernels as computations involve more simple expressions. Instances of CubicSpline are however very well optimized and, in practice, they may be as fast or even faster than their more specialized counterparts. If ultimate performances matter, the BenchmarkTools package may helps you to decide which kernel to choose for a given machine.

Cardinal cubic splines

Keys kernels form the family of cardinal cubic splines. A cardinal cubic spline is defined by:

ker(x) = 1 - (a + 3)*x^2 + (a + 2)*|x|^3      if |x| ≤ 1
         -4a + 8a*|x| - 5a*x^2 + a*|x|^3      if 1 ≤ |x| ≤ 2
         0                                    if |x| ≥ 2

These kernels are C¹ continuous piecewise normalized cardinal cubic spline which depend on one parameter a = ker'(1) the slope of the function ker(x) at x = 1.

To create an instance of a cardinal cubic spline with parameter a, call:

ker = CardinalCubicSpline{T}(a)

where T is the floating-point type for computations. If omitted, T is typeof(a) if it is Float16, Float32, Float64, or BigFloat and Float64 otherwise.

The expression ker' yields the first derivative of the cardinal cubic spline ker. An instance of the first derivative of such a kernel can also be directly created by:


with the same default for T if this parameter is omitted.


  • Keys, Robert, G., "Cubic Convolution Interpolation for Digital Image Processing", IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-29, No. 6, December 1981, pp. 1153-1160.

Catmull & Rom kernel

The Catmull-Rom kernel is a cardinal piecewise cubic spline defined by:

ker(x) = ((3/2)*|x| - (5/2))*x^2 + 1             if |x| ≤ 1
         (((5/2) - (1/2)*|x|)*|x| - 4)*|x| + 2   if 1 ≤ |x| ≤ 2
         0                                       if |x| ≥ 2

Being a cardinal function, the Catmull-Rom kernel is suitable for interpolation. Its derivative is given by:

ker′(x) = ((9/2)*|x| - 5)*x                      if a = |x| ≤ 1
          (5 - (3/2)*|x|)*x - 4*sign(x)          if 1 ≤ |x| ≤ 2
          0                                      if |x| ≥ 2

To create an instance of a Catmull-Rom interpolation kernel, call

ker = CatmullRomSpline{T}()

where the floating-point type T is assumed to be Float64 if omitted. To create an instance of the derivative of a Catmull-Rom interpolation kernel, call one of:

kerp = ker'
kerp = CatmullRomSplinePrime{T}()

Mitchell & Netravali kernels

Mitchell & Netravali kernels are a specific form of the family of cubic splines. These kernels are parametric piecewise cubic splines defined by:

ker(x) = (1/6)*(((12 - 9b - 6c)*|x| - 18 + 12b + 6c)*x^2 + (6 - 2b))   if |x| ≤ 1
         (1/6)*(2b + 6c - (b + 6c)*|x|)*(2 - |x|)^2                    if 1 ≤ |x| ≤ 2
         0                                                             if |x| ≥ 2

Instances of a Mitchell & Netravali kernel and of its derivative are respectively created by:

MitchellNetravaliSpline{T}(b, c)
MitchellNetravaliSplinePrime{T}(b, c)

with T the floating-point type for computations. If T is omitted but b and c are specified, T is deduced from the floating-point type of b and c. If b and c are omitted, (b,c) = (1/3,1/3) is assumed as recommended by Mitchell & Netravali. If T is omitted and b and c are omitted or both integers, T = Float64 is assumed.

Whatever the values of the parameters b and c, Mitchell & Netravali kernels are normalized and even functions of class C¹ (these kernels and their first derivatives are continuous). The expression ker' yields the first derivative of a Mitchell & Netravali kernel ker.

Taking b = 0 yields Keys's family of kernels and is a sufficient and necessary condition to have Mitchell & Netravali kernels be cardinal functions.

Using the constraint: b + 2c = 1 yields a cubic filter with, at least, quadratic order approximation.

Some specific values of (b,c) yield other well known kernels:

(b,c) = (1,0)      --> cubic B-spline
(b,c) = (0,-a)     --> Keys's cardinal cubic spline CardinalCubicSpline(a)
(b,c) = (0,1/2)    --> Catmull-Rom kernel CatmullRomSpline()
(b,c) = (b,0)      --> Duff's tensioned B-spline
(b,c) = (6β,-α-3β) --> generic cubic spline CubicSpline(α,β)
(b,c) = (1/3,1/3)  --> recommended by Mitchell-Netravali

This family of kernels and their derivatives is implemented as instances of CubicSpline and CubicSplinePrime using the following property:

MitchellNetravaliSpline{T}(b, c) = CubicSpline{T}(-b/2 - c, b/6)


Lanczos re-sampling kernels

The Lanczos re-sampling kernels are defined by:

ker(x) = (S/2π²)*sin(π*x)*sin(2π*x/S)/x^2   if |x| ≤ S/2
         0                                  if |x| ≥ S/2

The Lanczos re-sampling kernels are even cardinal functions which tend to be normalized for large support size (see this Wikipedia page).

To create an instance of a Lanczos re-sampling kernel of support size S (which must be even), call:


where the floating-point type T is assumed to be Float64 if omitted.

The expression ker' yields the first derivative of a Lanczos re-sampling kernel ker. An instance of a kernel implementing the first derivative of a Lanczos re-sampling kernel can also be directly created by:


where, again, it is possible to omit the floating-point type parameter T.