
Interpolation kernels, as their name suggest, are designed for interpolating arrays. The InterpolationKernels package provides the method InterpolationKernels.compute_offset_and_weights to efficiently compute interpolation weights for a given kernel and interpolating position.

Interpolation principles

To explain how linear interpolation works, let us assume that we want to interpolate a source vector A ∈ 𝕂ⁿ using the kernel h: ℝ β†’ ℝ to produce a continuous model function f(x) with x ∈ ℝ the continuous coordinate. Such a model writes:

βˆ€ x ∈ ℝ:    f(x) = sum_{k ∈ β„€} h(x - k)*ℬ(A,k)

where sum_{k ∈ β„€} denotes a sum over all integers and ℬ: 𝕂ⁿ×℀ β†’ 𝕂 implements the boundary conditions with Sup(A) the set of valid indices for A. In Julia code, Sup(A) = axes(A,1) and n = length(A). The above equation is a discrete convolution of A by the kernel h. The model function is f: ℝ β†’ 𝕂 where 𝕂 is the field of the values taken by the product in the above sum. We make no restrictions for the boundary conditions except that the following always holds:

βˆ€ k ∈ Sup(A):    ℬ(A,k) = A[k]

For instance, flat boundaries are implemented by:

          / A[min(Sup(A))]  if k ≀ min(Sup(A))
ℬ(A,k) = |  A[max(Sup(A))]  if k β‰₯ max(Sup(A))
          \ A[k]            else

Provided the kernel h has a finite size support, we can assume (without loss of generality) that the kernel support Sup(h) is enclosed in a right-open interval of nonzero integer width s ∈ β„• \ {0}. That is, there exists a ∈ ℝ such that Sup(h) βŠ‚ [a,b) with b = a + s. In other words:

x < a   or   x β‰₯ b    ⟹     h(x) = 0

The indices k ∈ β„€ such that h(x-k) is not certainly zero are:

k ∈ β„€, x-k ∈ [a,b)
⟺    k ∈ β„€ ∩ (x-b, x-a]
⟺    k ∈ ⟦⌊x-b+1βŒ‹, ⌊x-aβŒ‹βŸ§

with βŒŠβ€¦βŒ‹ the floor function. Since the objective is to have the smallest interval to restrict the number of terms in the discrete convolution, it may be better to enclose the kernel support in a left-open interval, that is Sup(h) βŠ‚ (a,b], the set of indices k such that h(x-k) is not certainly zero is then given by:

k ∈ β„€, x-k ∈ (a,b]
⟺    k ∈ β„€ ∩ [x-b, x-a)
⟺    k ∈ ⟦⌈x-bβŒ‰, ⌈x-a-1βŒ‰βŸ§

with βŒˆβ€¦βŒ‰ the ceil function. To summarize, the discrete convolution in the model f(x) can be limited to indices k ∈ ⟦kmin(x),kmax(x)⟧ where:

kmin(x) = ⌊x-b+1βŒ‹    if Sup(h) βŠ‚ [a,b)
          ⌈x-bβŒ‰      if Sup(h) βŠ‚ (a,b]

and kmax(x) = kmin(x) + s - 1 (either of these above expressions can be chosen if Sup(h) βŠ‚ (a,b)). The interpolation formula can finally be rewritten as:

βˆ€ x ∈ ℝ:    f(x) = sum_{j ∈ jmin:jmax} w_j(x)*ℬ(A, l(x) + j)

where k = l(x) + j and w_j(x) = h(x-k) for j ∈ ⟦jmin,jmax⟧ account for all the non-zero terms of the sum in the original formula. Hence jmax = jmin+s-1 and:

  l(x) = kmin(x) - jmin
w_j(x) = h(x - l(x) - j)

Note that jmin ∈ β„€ can be chosen as is the most convenient. For instance, assuming Julia or Fortran indexing, one would choose jmin = 1 and thus l(x) = ⌊x-bβŒ‹ if Sup(h) βŠ‚ [a,b).

Methods and structures

General methods

The above developments suggest that, for any interpolation kernel h and interpolation coordinate x, we mostly need a function that yields the offset l(x) and the interpolation weights w_j(x) for all j ∈ ⟦jmin,jmax⟧. This is exactly what is done by the method compute_offset_and_weights provided by the InterpolationKernels package. This method is called as:

off, wgt = compute_offset_and_weights(h, x)

with h the interpolation kernel, x the coordinate, off = l(x) the offset and wgt the s-tuple of interpolation weights given by wgt[j] = w_j(x). In Julia, the first index of tuples is 1, so we have jmin = 1 and thus:

off = kmin(x) - 1 = ⌊x-bβŒ‹          if Sup(h) βŠ‚ [a,b)
                    ⌈x-bβŒ‰ - 1      if Sup(h) βŠ‚ (a,b]
wgt[j] = h(x - off - j)            for j = 1, 2, ..., s

In order to compute the offset, the coordinate x but also the support of the kernel h must be known. These are the reasons to have interpolation kernels in InterpolationKernels be defined as smart functions that know their support.

Assuming the following methods are available (they are indeed defined in InterpolationKernels but not exported):

support(ker) ---> sup # the kernel support `Sup(ker)`
length(sup) ----> s   # the integer size of the kernel support
infimum(sup) ---> a   # the least upper bound of the support `sup`
supremum(sup) --> b   # the greatest lower bound of the support `sup`

the offset off can be computed by (there are two cases to consider):

offset(sup::Support{T,S,<:Bound,Open}, x::T) where {T,S} =
    floor(x - supremum(sup))       #  if Sup(ker) is βŠ‚ [a,b)
offset(sup::Support{T,S,Open,Closed}, x::T) where {T,S} =
    ceil(x - (supremum(sup) - 1))  #  if Sup(ker) is βŠ‚ (a,b]

and a generic implementation of compute_offset_and_weights is given by:

compute_offset_and_weights(ker::Kernel{T}, x::T) where {T} =
    compute_offset_and_weights(support(ker), ker, x)

function compute_offset_and_weights(sup::Support{T,S},
                                    ker::Kernel{T,S}, x::T) where {T,S}
    off = offset(sup, x)
    return off, ntuple(j -> ker(x - off - j), Val(length(ker)))

Of course compute_offset_and_weights is optimized for the most popular kernels in order to reduce the number of operations. But the generic code above gives you the ideas.

Symmetric supports

For kernels with symmetric support, the following hold a = -b and b = s/2. The interpolation weights can be then expressed as:

wgt[j] = h(t - j)        for j ∈ 1-m:s-m

with m = (s+1)>>1 (that is the integer division of s+1 by 2) and:

t = x - floor(x)      if s is even
    x - round(x)      if s is odd

and the offset is given by:

off = floor(x) - m      if s is even
      round(x) - m      if s is odd

These expressions are used by compute_offset_and_weights for kernels with symmetric support because they may help reducing the number of operations (at least for splines) for computing interpolation weights. In that case, the weights are computed by calling compute_weights with the kernel and the computed value of t (not x):

wgt = compute_weights(k, t)

When a new kernel is implemented, compute_offset_and_weights or, if the kernel has a symmetric support, compute_weights may be specialized to optimize computations.

Example: fine shifting

Let us now assume that we want to compute:

C[i] β‰ˆ A[i - r]

for all indices i ∈ Sub(C) of the destination vector C and some non-integer offset r where β‰ˆ denotes the approximation by the interpolation model f(x) described above. Hence C is the result of performing a sub-sample shift of A by offset r.

Combining equations (that is just replace x by i-r in the interpolation formula) yields:

C[i] = f(i - r)
     = sum_{j ∈ 1:s} h(i - r - l(i - r) - j)*ℬ(A, l(i - r) + j)

From the definition of the offset l(x) it is obvious that:

βˆ€ (r,i) ∈ ℝ×℀:    l(i - r) = i + l(-r) = i - k


k = -l(-r)

Hence the interpolation writes:

C[i] = sum_{j ∈ 1:s} h(k - r - j)*ℬ(A, i - k + j)

But as v = k - r is a constant that does not depend on i, the weights:

W[j] = h(k - r - j) = h(v - j)

can be computed once for all indices i in the destination B to perform fine shifting by the following formula:

C[i] = sum_{j ∈ 1:s} W[j]*ℬ(A, i - k + j)

which is a discrete correlation of W and A. The weights W and the integer offset k do not depend on i, resulting in very fast computations. This is exploited by the FineShift package.