Basic usage

An interpolation kernel Kernel{T,S} is parameterized by the floating-point type T of its coefficients and by the (integer) size S of its support. For efficiency reasons, only kernels with (small) finite size supports are implemented. To create a kernel instance, call its constructor; for example:

ker = LanczosKernel{6}()

yields a Lanczos re-sampling kernel of size 6 (see Interpolation kernels for an exhaustive list of kernels implemented in InterpolationKernels) and using the default floating-point type (that is, Float64) for computations. The same kind of kernel with a specific floating-point type, say T, can be created by:

ker = LanczosKernel{6,T}()

Any interpolation kernel ker is a callable object which may be used as a function with a real argument:


yields kernel value at x.

Basic methods

Some simple methods are available for any interpolation kernel ker:

  • eltype(ker) yields the floating-point type T for calculations;

  • length(ker) yields the number S of samples in the support of ker which is also the number of neighbors involved in an interpolation by this kernel.

Since the floating-point type T and the support size S are parameters of the interpolation kernel type, the above methods can also be applied to the type of an interpolation kernel.

Some interpolation kernels have numerical parameters, these parameters can be retrieved by:


which yields a tuple of parameters, possibly empty. A kernel instance identical to ker can be built as follows:


Kernel floating-point type

Calling a kernel ker with a real argument x, as ker(x), always yield a floating-point of type T = eltype(ker). This property is imposed for efficiency reasons when interpolating arrays. Calling a kernel ker with an argument x that has a different floating-point type is therefore less efficient as it involves converting the value of the real x. It is however very easy to change the floating-point type used by a kernel.

A kernel object ker can be converted to use a given floating-point type. For example, assuming ker is a kernel instance, one can do either of:

convert(Kernel{Float32}, ker)

to use Float32 floating-point arithmetic.

Kernel support

The call:


yields the support of the kernel ker (and instance of InterpolationKernels.Support. All kernels implemented in InterpolationKernels have symmetric supports; that is, ker(x) is zero if abs(x) > S/2 with S the size of the kernel support. InterpolationKernels however provides the framework for any kind of support (symmetric, left-/right-anchored, open, closed, semi-open, ...). Methods infimum and supremum respectively yield the lower and upper bounds of a kernel support.


Methods iscardinal and isnormalized respectively yield whether a kernel is a cardinal function (that is, a function which yields zero for all non-zero integers) and whether a kernel has the partition of unity property. For some parametric kernels, these traits depend on the specific values of the parameters, so these methods only take a kernel instance (not a type) as argument.


The expression ker' yields a kernel instance which is the 1st derivative of the kernel ker. Having the derivative of a kernel is useful in a number of practical cases. For instance, thanks to linearity of the interpolation procedure, interpolating an array A with the derivative ker' is equivalent to taking the 1st derivative of the continuous function modeled by interpolating the array A with the kernel ker.

Interpolation weights

Efficient computation of interpolation weights is implemented by the InterpolationKernels.compute_offset_and_weights InterpolationKernels.compute_weights methods. These methods are not exported because they are only required to implement array interpolation, as done by the FineShift or LinearInterpolators packages. The principles of interpolation are detailed in another section.