Notes for developers


External libraries

Copy the JAR file(s) of the external libraries in lib directory, then Refresh the Project and in Project Properties, choose Java Build Path, tab Libraries and hit Add JARs.... Then browse in the lib directory of the project and select the JAR file.

It is then possible to attach source and documentation for the JAR library file by expanding its entry in the list (the small black arrow at the left of its name).

Ant scripts

Java, Ant and JavadDoc must be installed:

sudo apt install ant
sudo apt install default-jdk

In Export choose General > Ant Buildfiles select TiPi.


Documentation consists in JavaDoc automatically generated from the Java source and manual pages written in MarkDown format (in the docs directory) and published using MkDocs.

Installation of MkDocs

MkDocs can be installed by PIP:

sudo apt install python-pip python-setuptools
sudo pip install --upgrade mkdoc

Editing the documentation

While editing the files in the docs directory, you can have a look at the result by using the built-in server of MkDocs and opening URL with your browser. To launch the server:

mkdocs serve

while in the directory where is the mkdocs.yml file (above the docs directory). To generate manually the documentation, type (from the same directory):

mkdocs build --clean

Publishing the documentation

To publish the doc:

mkdocs gh-deploy --clean